God of strength and weakness


God of strength

God of weakness

Teach us to participate with you in your work of love


God we look at your world and see powerful people doing what they want without thought for the consequences or any care for your creation, and we see the powerless driven this way and that by the winds of fortune dependent on power over which they have no control. Yet we also see brave people finding the strength to fight for justice, and we see powerful people held to account. Give us the strength, we pray, that we might join with others to work for what is good and true and wholesome in this your beautiful world.


Lord in your mercy


God of strength

God of weakness

Teach us to participate with you in your work of love


God we look at your church and we see small churches with declining congregations wondering what the future will hold. We often feel weak and powerless and hanker for the days when churches were full and everyone considered themselves to be Christian. But you have placed us in this time and in this place and there is still work to do. Give us the strength, we pray, to think clearly, to pray wholeheartedly and work faithfully in the way of Jesus


Lord in your mercy...


God of strength

God of weakness

Teach us to participate with you in your work of love


God we look at our friends and our families and our communities. We see people who are finding life hard, who don't seem to be getting any breaks and whose problems we are powerless to solve. Now we lift them to you praying that they will find the strength they need in the midst of their weakness




Lord in your mercy...


God of strength

God of weakness

Teach us to participate with you in your work of love


Finally we pray for ourselves as individuals. You know us better than we now ourselves. You know our fears, our inadequacies, our doubts about our own abilities. You know when we feel powerless and unable to do the things we wish we could do. You know because you became one of us in Jesus and now we pray that through him we might receive the strength that we need, the wisdom we are searching for and the opportunity to participate in your subtle and multicolored work of love


Lord in your mercy...


God of strength

God of weakness

Teach us to participate with you in your work of love