Wilderness: in time of disaster


God of the wilderness. God of the living bread

Feed us we pray


God of the grieving. We pray for all who have lost loved ones at this time. We remember them in their time of wilderness that somehow they might receive the bread of life which they need to walk the path that lies before them


Lord in your mercy...


God of the wilderness. God of the living bread

Feed us we pray


God of the desolate. We pray for all people who are experiencing disaster at this time. For all who are uncertain whether family members will live or die, are alive or dead. For all who are involved in the process of rescue and recovery. Be close to them we pray and give them strength they need. We pray for them in this time of wilderness that through the wreckage and despair they might find, once more, the path to life


Lord in your mercy...



God of the wilderness. God of the living bread

Feed us we pray


God of the promise. We pray for ourselves: people who have received your bread of life, people who seek to follow the way of Christ. Teach us when tragedy strikes to have the compassion we need to draw near to the grieving and grant us your wisdom that we might know how to bring comfort and relief to all who are desolate in their grief


Lord in your mercy...